Our built in reports are designed to empower you with insightful data analysis, allowing you to make informed decisions and optimize your fundraising efforts.
One thing to note about these reports is that some of them might be multiple pages. At the bottom of the report, you will see each page (just like in a spreadsheet) that you can switch to in that report to see different Visualizations.
This article covers:
- Getting there
- Overview of each report
What you can do with each report
Filter data
- A Dashboard (or Page Tab)
- An Element
- An entire Workbook
- A Page Tab
- An Element
Email to other team members
- An entire Workbook
- A Page Tab
- An Element
Copy (or Save As)
- An entire Workbook
- A Page Tab (within a Best Practice report)
- A Page Tab (to a different Workbook)
Filter data
Getting There
To get started, go to Reports > Virtuous BI.
There, you'll see a list of reports already built out.
Overview of Each Report
Below, you can find the standard reports available to you with a brief overview of what the report will tell you:
Contact Overview: The contact overview report is designed to give you a broad look at the contacts in your database.
- Overview: This page allows you to see information on all of your contacts and This report can be filtered by Contact Name, Tag or, Organization Group.
- Top Contacts Breakdown: This shows you the top tags and organization groups.
Donor Acquisition Performance: This report is designed to allow you to see the efficacy of your donor acquisition methods.
- Channel: This page contains statistics based on giving by first gift channel.
- Campaign: This page allows you to see the top campaigns and top donors acquired.
- Donor Retention Overview: This report allows you to see your donor retention rates broken down in several different ways. You can filter the report by time period.
Giving Performance: This report gives you a breakdown of giving by donors in your database. There are three main areas this report digs into:
- Overview: This contains general statistics about donors in your database over the past year but can be filtered down to look at specific time periods, projects, tags, campaigns or, organization groups.
- Year-Over-Year Comparisons: This gives giving comparisons from this year to the year immediately prior.
- Campaign: This is an overview of giving by campaigns in general but can be filtered down to look at specific campaigns.
- Top Donors: This will give you a breakdown of your top donors in your database that can be filtered to include more (or fewer) donors, specific contact types or by organization group.
Major Giving Performance: This report gives a visualization based on giving by major donors
- Overview: This page is broken down into two sections. The first is general major giving statistics and the second is on gift asks. Each section has it's own set of filters to help narrow down the statistics.
- Campaign: This page shows major giving broken down by campaign elements and can be filtered to look at specific campaign elements.
Marketing Activity: This report allows you to dig into your Responsive Listener data as well as form completion.
- Website Activity: Allows you to see how contacts are interacting with your website. Requires the Responsive Listener feature to populate data.
- Forms: Shows data based on forms like what forms are performing well and how people are accessing those forms.
- Recurring Giving Performance: This report shows data based on your recurring gifts in your database. You have the ability to filter on date range or Contacts.
- Campaign and Segment Performance: This report allows you to look at campaign giving across campaigns or at only specific campaigns. You can filter on communication start date, channel, segment name or campaign name.
- Pledge Performance: This report allows you to have an overview of your pledge giving. You can filter by expected fulfillment date, project name, and campaign name.
- Project Performance: This report shows giving by to projects in your database. You can filter on communication, channel or, specific projects.
What Can I Do With These Reports?
Filter data
A Dashboard (or Page Tab)
At the top of the BI Best Practice Report you’ve chosen, you’ll see a set of filters. If you’ve ever used a spreadsheet filter, they should look very similar!
Depending on the Dashboard that you’re working on, you’ll have a data field or a date field you can filter on in the Report.
For data fields:
You can choose to select all, some, or none of the fields available to you.
For Date Fields:
You have two options, the first is defining the amount of time on which this Report is based. Then, based on the parameters in the first part you can select the actual dates
An Element (Including Visualizations)
In addition to filtering the Dashboard (or Report Page) overall, some of your Visualizations have the ability to filter within that portion of the Dashboard. You’ll know that section can be filtered when you hover over the Visualization and a filter image appears.
Some Visualizations only have 1 filter while others may have several. You can turn off any filter by toggling off the blue button on that parameter or change the filters to better suit your definitions.
An entire Workbook
On the Dashboard screen, click the arrow by the three lines at the bottom left and then Export...
Then, under Attachments, select "Entire workbook" from the dropdown menu.
You can also choose your file format as well as orientation.
Once you've determined your attachment preferences, press the Export button.
A Page Tab
You may choose to filter this data first or download as it is. On the report screen, go to the bottom left corner of the screen and click the icon next to the tab of the Dashboard you wish to export.
From there, you'll be able to choose if you want to download a PDF file with portrait or landscape orientation with all of the elements on this Report.
An Element (Including Visualizations)
Choose the Visualization you would like to download. You may choose to filter this data first or download as it is.
Then, click on the 3 dots in the upper right corner of it > Export > Export.
On this Export screen, make sure this is set to Direct Download.
Under Attachments, select the Page Tab with the Visualization you want to export, then the Visualization itself.
You can also choose your file format as well as orientation.
Once you've determined your attachment preferences, press the Export button.
Email to other team members
An entire Workbook
To email to other team members now, go to the Dashboard screen, click the arrow by the three lines at the bottom left and then Export...
On this Export screen, make sure this is set to Export via Email.
You can also set your recipient(s), subject, message, file format as well as orientation, and other options. (Be sure to select "Entire workbook" in the dropdown under Attachments.)
Once you've determined your attachment preferences, press the Export button.
To schedule an email to other team members, go to the Dashboard screen, click the arrow by the three lines at the bottom left and then Schedule export...
On this Schedule Exports screen, select New Schedule.
Here, you can also set conditions, your recipient(s), subject, message, file format as well as orientation, frequency, and other options. (Be sure to select "Entire workbook" in the dropdown under Attachments.)
Once you've determined your attachment preferences, press the Create button.
A Page Tab
To email to other team members now, go to the Dashboard screen, click the arrow by the three lines at the bottom left and then Export...
On this Export screen, make sure this is set to Export via Email.
You can also set your recipient(s), subject, message, file format as well as orientation, and other options. Under Attachments, select the Page Tab you want to send, then "Entire page."
Once you've determined your attachment preferences, press the Export button.
To schedule an email to other team members, go to the Dashboard screen, click the arrow by the three lines at the bottom left and then Schedule export...
On this Schedule Exports screen, select New Schedule.
Here, you can also set conditions, your recipient(s), subject, message, file format as well as orientation, frequency, and other options. Under Attachments, select the Page Tab you want to send, then "Entire page."
Once you've determined your attachment preferences, press the Create button.
An Element (Including Visualizations)
To email to other team members now, go to the Dashboard screen, click the arrow by the three lines at the bottom left and then Export...
On this Export screen, make sure this is set to Export via Email.
You can also set your recipient(s), subject, message, file format as well as orientation, and other options. Under Attachments, select the Page Tab you want to send, then the Element.
Once you've determined your attachment preferences, press the Export button.
To schedule an email to other team members, go to the Dashboard screen, click the arrow by the three lines at the bottom left and then Schedule export...
On this Schedule Exports screen, select New Schedule.
Here, you can also set conditions, your recipient(s), subject, message, file format as well as orientation, frequency, and other options. Under Attachments, select the Page Tab you want to send, then the Element.
Once you've determined your attachment preferences, press the Create button.
Copy (or Save As)
An entire Best Practice report
If you would like to copy an entire Best Practice Report (Workbook), you'll need to save your own copy of the original report to edit. To do this, open up the best practice report, then in the bottom right corner, select "Save As."
Once you've selected "Save As," you'll need to then decide if you want to save it to your "My Documents" or "All Team" folders and select the folder of your choice. You can also rename the report on this screen.
- My Documents: This is a folder that is specific to the user only and is not visible to other users.
All Team: This is a folder that is available to all users in your organization.
- Use this folder to share reports with your team.
- To find this folder, you may need to search for it when saving.
A Page Tab (within a Best Practice report)
Click the arrow of the Page Tab you wish to copy, then press Duplicate.
Now, you can see the duplicate Page Tab!
A Page Tab (to a different Workbook)
Note: You will you will need to copy the whole Best Practice report first.
Click the arrow next to the Page Tab you wish to copy, then press Copy Page.
Find the new Workbook you would like to paste the Page Tab in and Edit.
Add a new Page by pressing the + sign in the bottom left.
Right click in the builder and select Paste Page.
Now you've copied and pasted a Page Tab from a different report (Workbook)!
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