Virtuous BI is a powerful tool. To best understand and utilize it, a great starting point is going through this glossary of terms to provide a basic primer on most of the terms you'll encounter using this tool.
Keep in mind that some of these terms may look familiar if you've seen them in other tools in Virtuous CRM - the definitions you see below are specific to the Virtuous BI tool.
Filter: A quick way to narrow down a specific set of criteria.
Visualization: The chart or graph that plots out your data - you can have multiple Visualizations in one Dashboard.
Dashboard (or Report): An interactive screen (like a Workbook) in Virtuous BI combining multiple Visualizations, with more advanced data visualization options and editing capabilities. This is similar to a spreadsheet program, where you can have multiple Pages (Tabs), each with their own sets of Visualizations.
Virtuous BI Best Practice Report: A pre-built BI report with specifically defined criteria, combining some basic data visualization elements and table views that you can filter, export, and send to other team members.
Table: The dataset you're using to build a Virtuous BI Report.
Join: An action that takes two data sets and combine by adding columns to your table (more here).
Union: An action that combines 2 data sets by adding rows to your table (more here).
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