When working in Virtuous BI, understanding key features and navigation best practices will be central to efficiently and confidently moving through Virtuous BI.
To access Virtuous BI, select Reports > Virtuous BI from the left-hand menu.
Workbooks, Pages, and Datasets
An easy way to understand Workbooks, Pages, and Datasets is to think of it like an actual book. Consider the Workbook a book you can read. The title of the Workbook is the title of the book. Each Page of the book is a canvas and collections of words are all part of a Dataset.
Workbook - When you create a new BI report, this will create a new Workbook to begin building within. This Workbook will be blank by default.
Page - You will also have one Page created by default. Along the bottom border, you can see Page 1 and the option to create additional Pages.
Dataset - With a Workbook and Page ready for data, you can now select the Datasets to be included.
Navigating a Workbook/Page
Once you have created a Workbook with at least one Page, you will have a blank canvas to begin working on. Before jumping into the build process, there are a few more important buttons and functionality to familiarize yourself with. This is broken down into two sections. First, we will cover the left-hand navigation and then focus on the options available across the top bar.
Left Hand Navigation
The left-hand navigation bar will manage most of the high-level details of what data is included, how it is visually displayed, and additional details.
Add Element
The plus icon will allow you to add an Element to the workbook you are in. After selecting the plus icon, you will have the various Element selections available to review and add to your workbook.
Page Overview
Selecting the icon with three stacked lines will display your Page Overview. This is a summary of all the datasets included. From here, you can select a specific dataset to locate it on your Page.
Element Properties
Selecting a specific dataset will then display a new option along the left bar options. "Element Properties" will allow you to edit the columns displayed from each respective dataset.
Element Format
Similarly, Element Format will only be available after you have selected a specific dataset to modify. Here, you can fine-tune the visual aspects of the dataset being displayed.
Depending on what type of dataset and details you've selected, the "Actions" available will vary. In general, "Actions" will allow you to further manipulate a specific dataset both within Virtuous BI and exporting.
Top Bar Navigation
The top bar navigation focused on the details of a dataset within a specific Page of a Workbook. When you do NOT have a dataset selected, you will see very few options in the top bar.
Once you have selected a dataset within your Page, the options will expand with functions to further format the data selected.
Undo - Redo
As in many other applications, the left and right arrows represent "undo" and "redo", respectively. This will apply to changes done within a specific Page.
NOTE: At this time, adding a currency symbol will add the same symbol to ALL amounts in a Gift context. In addition, all amounts are in "base currency amount". This means that if someone donates $500 in CAD and the main currency for your organization's database is USD, this function will turn that "500" value into "$500" representing USD 500.
Using the "%" symbol will format the selected column of data into a percentage. In the example below, the data in the column titled "Percentage of Gift Designated" is initially represented as a whole number. After formatting, this is now displayed as "100%" rather than "1", better communicating that the full amount of this Gift is designated to a Project.
Before Formatting
After Formatting
Decimal Places
Using the ".0" or ".00" option will decrease or increase the number of decimal places displayed for the column of data selected. In the example below, selecting the "decrease decimal places" option would reduce the display to "100%". Selecting the "increase decimal places" option would add a character to display as "100.00%".
Selecting the Format drop-down will display all the various formatting options. Depending on the type of data you have currently selected, some of the options may be greyed out.
Wrap Text
While you are fine-tuning the appearance of your data, "Wrap Text" will allow you to display the full selection of characters in any given column. In the example below, the name "Stephanie and Christopher..." is cut off and hidden. When "Wrap Text" formatting is applied, the full name of Stephanie and Christopher Doran is displayed.
Before Formatting
After Formatting
Text Color and Fill Color
These two formatting options go hand in hand. After selecting a column or a few columns of data, you can modify both the Text Color and the Fill Color (background color). In the example below, the Contact Name column now has a yellow Fill Color.
Tables represent the raw data selected to be included in the report. Combining Tables will allow you to zero in on the exact selection of data desired.
A visualization in Virtuous is a graphical representation of data that provides visual context to your analysis. By incorporating visualizations into your workbook, you can uncover patterns, trends, outliers, and correlations essential for crafting a compelling data story.
To learn more about creating and working with visualizations, check out this support article.
Pivot Tables
A Pivot Table will allow you to organize a selection of data in different ways to understand the information as needed. This is an incredibly flexible idea that can be applied in many different ways! Below is a quick example of Giving broken down by City and State.
To learn more about working with Pivot Tables, check out this support article.
With the flexibility available across the different areas in Virtuous BI, the reporting possible is incredible! With more fine-tuned data, you can now create custom Widgets from your Custom BU Reports. The example below is a dashboard widget that displays the Average Amount Designated to specific Projects.
To review the full selection of Support Articles focused on Virtuous BI, you can find them all here.
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