In Virtuous, you can use the Map Filter feature to geographically identify a group of Contacts with United States or Canadian addresses. To do this, navigate to the main Contact page using the left-hand menu. Select Contacts > All Contacts.
On the main Contact page, select the "Map" tab on the far right.
Next, you will have a blank Map area. In the box titled "Find Contacts Near" enter a specific address that will be used as a physical reference point.
Note: The Map Filter feature does not work with international addresses, only US and Canada.
In the example below, the Virtuous office address is being used as the reference point. As a result, 9 Contact records have been marked across the Map with green flags and available to review in the Contacts window to the left.
You can add additional Filters to further refine the results displayed. In the example below, two filters were added to identify Household records that have given within the last 2 years. This reduced my results to 6 Contacts.
Note: if you navigate away from the Contacts page, the Map and Filter details do not save and will be cleared out.
Once you have settled on your selection of Contacts, you can use the available functions in the Actions drop-down menu in the top right corner.
Note: the list of available actions may differ depending on your User Permissions.
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