The idea of a Portfolio in Virtuous is used to define what selection of Contact records a specific Virtuous user is responsible for. Typically, this means the Virtuous user is responsible for the maintenance of each relationship. The "Portfolio" function will aggregate a few key features in Virtuous to make viewing, managing, and reporting on your Portfolio efficient and detailed.
Organization Groups
To define what Contact records are assigned to which Virtuous user, you'll lean on Organization Groups. To learn more about creating Organization Groups and assigning Users, check out this Support Article.
The "My Portfolio" feature is available within the Gift Ask Pipeline and is informed by Organization Groups.
A few consideration when using Organization Groups include
- A User can only be assigned to one Organization Group at a time
- It is not required to assign a User to an Organization Group but without the User assignment, the Portfolio function will be inactive.
- Users assigned to an Organization Group will not have access to the Data Heath Tool.
- Adding or removing a Contact record from an Organization Group can be handled by an Automation Workflow! To learn more about this Workflow Action, check out this Support Article.
Gift Ask Pipeline
The Gift Ask Pipeline is an excellent tool to use to track specific financial asks within your portfolio. This is also where the "Portfolio" feature is housed. To navigate to the Gift Ask Pipeline, use the left hand menu to select Gifts > Gift Ask Pipeline. To learn more about how the Gift Ask Pipeline works, check out this Support Article.
My Portfolio
In the Gift Ask Pipeline, you'll notice a tab along the top of the screen titled "Portfolio". Select this option and you will be taken to your own Portfolio view.
The Portfolio view starts with two important widgets. The "Portfolio Giving Overview" provides a snapshot of giving related to your assigned Organization Group over the past 7 or 14 days. The "Upcoming Asks" widget highlights Gift Asks with Expected Fulfillment Dates in the next 7 or 14 days.
If you scroll down a bit, you'll see a list of all Contact records assigned to your Organization Group.
You'll notice these Contact records display information a bit differently than in other areas of the Virtuous platform.
The first piece of information is what Open Gift Asks are associated with this Contact. For this example, Walter Elliot has an Open Gift Ask of $1,400 that is expected to be fulfilled soon. That's great information to have readily available if you were to hop on a call with him or meet him in person. You can also reference his Last Gift and Life to Date Giving with those statistics included on the card. Beyond financial information, Relationships and Tags are also visible here. This view provides an excellent selection of data to have informed and valuable conversations with donors.
You can access a handful of Actions from this view as well. If you select the three dots in the top right corner of each card, the available actions will pop up.
- "View" will take you to the full Contact Record.
- "Edit" will open a pop-out window to allow you to edit details on the Contact record. The available fields may vary depending on Permission settings.
- "Add Task" will open a pop-out window to allow you to create a new Task for this Contact record. This is a great way to drop follow-up actions in place without leaving the Portfolio view!
- "Remove" will remove the Contact record from the assigned Organization Group.
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