While we update our API regularly, one of our top priorities is to maintain a consistent level of service for our integration partners. This means that, as a general rule, we strive to implement changes that are not breaking changes, and that allow existing integrations to continue to work as-is. In those rare cases when we do introduce a potential breaking change, we'll be sure to call that out to you here.
Without further ado, here's what's coming in our April 2020 release, which will go live next Monday night (April 27th):
🚨 (Slight) Breaking Change Alert 🚨
We know, we just said we avoid making breaking changes. But we are making a slight change that affects all Query endpoints. Specifically, we will be limiting the take on these endpoints to a maximum of 1,000 records per call. This change affects the following endpoints:
- /api/Campaign/Query
- /api/Contact/Query
- /api/Contact/Query/FullContact
- /api/ContactIndividual/Query
- /api/ContactNote/Query
- /api/Event/Query
- /api/EventInvitation/Query
- /api/Gift/Query
- /api/Gift/Query/FullGift
- /api/GiftAsk/Query
- /api/Grant/Query
- /api/PlannedGift/Query
- /api/v2/Pledge/Query
- /api/Project/Query
- /api/RecurringGift/Query
New Endpoints
No new endpoints will be added in this release.
Updated Endpoints
We've added fields to some of our existing endpoints. Here's what's new in this release:
- OriginSegmentId will be added to the /api/Contact POST/PUT endpoint (this will allow for updating existing OriginSegmentIds)
- PassthroughGiftAskId will be added to the /api/Gift POST/PUT endpoint (this is a new feature included in the release)
- NonCashGiftType and NonCashGiftDescription will be added to the /api/v2/Gift/Transaction/ POST endpoint
As always, if you have any questions about these or other features, feel free to contact our team using the support widget in Virtuous, or drop us a line at support@virtuoussoftware.com.
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