If your organization uses both Virtuous CRM and HubSpot, the integration between the two platforms will allow you to keep consistent data across both. This documentation covers the 2.0 integration of Virtuous and HubSpot, which allows Contacts AND Individuals in Virtuous to sync between and/or update to contacts in HubSpot.
Table of Contents
- Sync Details
- Create New User
- Set Up Integration
- Credentials
Features and Mapping
- Standard
- Email List
- Contact Statistics
- Tags
- Initial Sync
- Virtuous Individuals to Hubspot Contacts
- Email and Communication Subscriptions
- Bundles and Real Time
1. Sync Details
This sync occurs bidirectionally and details of this are covered below.
- The HubSpot to Virtuous sync is a "Batch Integration", meaning the incoming data will be available for review in the Gift and Contact Import Tool.
- The Virtuous to HubSpot sync is a "real-time" sync that relies on webhooks.
- HubSpot contacts will all be synced to Virtuous. Virtuous Contacts can be synced in full or a as subset to HubSpot.
There is ability to select an integration that functions as the 1.0 (one way sync to Virtuous) or the 2.0 integration functions (two way or one way to HubSpot).
- The two-way option available in the 2.0 integration will allow for Email Marketing activity to sync from HubSpot to Virtuous. Email Marketing activity will not push from Virtuous to HubSpot.
2. Create New Users
First, you'll want to create a new user account for the integration. We recommend creating a new user account in Hubspot and in Virtuous that will be dedicated just for the integration. You can follow the instructions in this article to add a new user to Virtuous. This user should be a user account that will not be used by anyone, and is solely for the purposes of facilitating integration between Hubspot and Virtuous. The user account should have Admin permissions. Create the same user in Hubspot as well.
3. Set Up the Integration
Head over to http://connect.virtuoussoftware.com/ and log in.
From there, you'll select Hubspot, go to integration settings then follow the steps below:
1. Sync Enabled
- To enable this integration, check this box
- Default value TRUE
2. Sync to Hubspot
- To sync Virtuous Contacts/Individuals to Hubspot Contacts
- Default value TRUE
3. Sync to Virtuous
- To sync HubSpot Contacts to Virtuous Contacts/Individuals
- Default value TRUE
4. Sync Email Activity
- To sync email activity with the contacts, check this box
- Default value TRUE
5. Sync Form Submissions
- To sync form submission with the Contacts, check this box
- Default value TRUE
6. Sync Tags
- Tags that you sync over using step 9, will have all those Contacts associated to a List in Hubspot
- Changes to the Tag and List (respective in each system) will need to be updated manually in the other system
7. Do Not Overwrite Name
- In the event that the Individuals on a Contact share the same Email, the existing contacts in HubSpot will not have their name overwritten by any of the other individuals on the record.
- If the contact is being created new it will take and maintain on the primary individual's name on the HubSpot record.
8. Virtuous Contact ID Mapping
- This needs to be mapped to a Custom Object/Field in HubSpot's Contact Property that is a text field.
9. Tags
- (2) needs to be checked if this function is to be used
- Utilized as filter to determine which contacts are to be synced FROM Virtuous to HubSpot
- Leaving this field blank will Sync ALL of Virtuous Contact Individuals to HubSpot as contacts
10. Email List Mapping
- 10a-Email Lists (Virtuous)
- Users in this email list will be added to the subscription in HubSpot
- Selecting this field will Sync the email's opt in/out with the item selected in
- 10b- HubSpot Subscription (HubSpot)
- Users in this subscription will be added to the email list in Virtuous
- Selecting this field will Sync the email's opt in/out with the item selected in
11. Contact Statistics Mapping
- 11a- Contact Statistics (Virtuous)
- All available Statistic fields in Virtuous
- Select the fields you would want to be brought over to HubSpot
- 11b- HubSpot Contact Properties (HubSpot)
- Custom fields in HubSpot to receive Statistic data
- Select the field you would want the Virtuous data (6a) to be stored in HubSpot
4. Credentials
1. From the Integration Credential Page, click "Connect"
2. You should be brought to your HubSpot login. This is where you'll login with the account you created at the beginning of the article.
3. Select "Connect App"
You should then be brought back to the Virtuous page with a confirmation below:
5. Features and Mapping
Standard Field Mapping
Email List Mapping
Virtuous Email Lists can be mapped to HubSpot Communication SubscriptionsThis can be completed in "How to set it up" 5a and 5b
Contact Statistics Mapping
- - Virtuous Contact Statistic fields can be mapped to any HubSpot Contact Property fields.
- When selecting a HubSpot Contact Property Field to be populated, any existing data will be overwritten by Virtuous' incoming data
- This can be completed in "How to set it up" 6a and 6b
Available Statistic Fields
6. Tags
This field is populated from Virtuous Tags. When the Tag field is selected it will add the tag to the contact record in HubSpot and Virtuous.
7. Initial Sync
Upon setting up the integration, the initial sync between Virtuous and HubSpot will match HubSpot email addresses against Virtuous individual email addresses. No contacts will sync, but HubSpot Contact Ids will populate the ReferenceId at the individual level.
Once this is completed, webhooks from Virtuous to HubSpot will be invoked. HubSpot names will update to what is stored in Virtuous (this maintains Virtuous as the single source of truth).
8. Virtuous Individuals to HubSpot Contacts
When a Contact record in Virtuous contains multiple Individuals these individuals will have their own individuals Contact record in HubSpot
9. Email and Communication Subscription
HubSpot Re-Subscribe
Virtuous Re-Subscrib
10. Bundles and Real-Time
HubSpot to Virtuous
- Every 3 hours data will be pulled from HubSpot, new contacts will be added to a Contact Import Bundle in Virtuous. These contacts will be available for import into Virtuous via the Contact Import Tool. (Access via Contacts-->Import Contacts)
Sync Log is available in Virtuous Integrations view, this will show what has Synced in both directions
Virtuous to HubSpot
- When a new or update to a contact is made in Virtuous, that meets the criteria (Tag field in setup), a webhook request is made to connect both Apps and the update/creation is placed into a queue. These requests are made nearly in real-time.
- Updates need to be made to the Contact/Individual Record in the Edit Modal or Import Tool to invoke the webhook
- A change to the Statistics would not invoke the webhook to update the HubSpot contact
- Once a contact is synced from HubSpot to Virtuous, Virtuous will utilize the ReferenceId (at the Individual level) to connect and update any changes to an Individual (in Virtuous) to the Contact record (in HubSpot).
- Virtuous Custom Fields cannot map to a HubSpot field in this Integration
- Some HubSpot Custom Fields cannot map to a Virtuous field in this Integration
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