Tributes are a separate object in Virtuous that can be linked to Gifts; they are made in honor of someone for recognition or in memory of someone who has passed away.
The benefit of having a Tribute as a separate object in Virtuous is that there is no requirement to have a list of deceased Individuals in your database. You may never interact with these individuals, so there may be no need to have their records function as such.
How to Get There
Under the Gifts tab in the left side Primary Navigation, you will find the Tributes page.
This will take you to the Tributes screen, which includes a list of Tributes already created.
How to Create a Tribute
In the upper right-hand corner, click the Actions button, and then Create a Tribute.
This is where you will enter information about the Tribute. Two fields are required: the Tribute Type and the Tribute.
For Tribute Type, you have two options:
- In Honor Of - this is best for Individuals you would simply like to recognize.
- In Memory of - this is best for Individuals who have passed away.
For the Tribute, you also have two options:
- Select an Individual that already exists in your database.
- Create an Individual right in the form.
You can include the Tribute's name as well as their address. Note that this form does not autocomplete addresses.
Once you have entered the Tribute's information, click Create Tribute.
Your Tribute will then appear in the Tributes screen. You can change any information about the Tribute and even add an Acknowledgee right on the screen.
From the Gift & Contact Import Tool
You can also create your Tribute right from the Gift & Contact Import screen as you're creating and matching Gifts with them.
As you're entering a Gift, click "Show all Gift Information" at the bottom of the left side to pull out additional fields, including those pertaining to Tributes.
In "Tribute Type," select 'In Honor Of' or 'In Memory Of,' then click the icon in the "Tribute Name" field to pull out additional fields to create a new Tribute.
Enter your Tribute information; as it is being entered, you'll find a corresponding box on the right side of the screen. Once you have entered all your information, click Create Tribute.
Your newly created Tribute should now show as matched to the Gift you are currently entering.
Now that you have added a new Tribute, you can include an Acknowledgee and begin to designate Gifts to this Tribute.
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