You've probably seen tags for Lapsed and Pre-lapsed donors in Virtuous and have been wondering what the determining factors are to receive that tag. Well, that's what we're here to share!
Lapsed Donors
The Lapsed marker in Virtuous is a System Tag, meaning it is automatically applied or removed based on the data in a Contact record. Contacts may be marked as Lapsed if they meet either of the following criteria: 1) No gifts greater than $0 in the last 12 months OR 2) Active Recurring Gift with any missed Payment. Note that even if a Giver has made a recent gift, they may still be identified as Lapsed if they have missed a Recurring Gift payment.
Pre-Lapsed Donors
Like Lapsed, the Pre-Lapsed marker in Virtuous is a System Tag. Contacts in Virtuous will be marked as Pre-Lapsed if they have no gifts within the last 6 months. These Givers should be contacted to ensure they renew their support of your organization.
Important note about these tags
Since Lapsed and Pre-lapsed are system tags, they are not something anyone in your organization can assign to a contact. These are pre-determined by the contacts giving status. While you can create a tag that aligns with your organization's standards for what lapsed or pre-lapsed is for you, only the system tags will influence your widgets and best calls.
Where do I see this in Virtuous?
Best Calls
Your best calls list is populated by one of 4 indicators- 2 of them are Lapsed and Pre-lapsed. These system tags help populate your best calls list to help you know when it's time to reach out to these donors to help retain them. (To learn more about the best calls list, check out this article)
Responsive Dashboard
Lapsed donors are also part of the Lapsed vs New and the Net Active Donors widgets in the responsive dashboard. To learn more about these widgets, check out this article on the Responsive Dashboard Widgets.
Contact Record
You can also view the Lapsed and Pre-lapsed tags on a contact record under their tags.
Additional Information
Anywhere you see information about lapsed donors will be based on these tags. If you have a custom dashboard, there are widgets that you can build that use these tags. You can also run queries and reports with these tags. When it comes to searching, filtering, and querying, these system tags work the same as other tags. The only difference between a system tag and another tag is that you cannot assign a system tag- it is only going to be assigned based on pre-determined criteria.
Now that you know about Lapsed and Pre-lapsed donors, it's time to make some calls!