When adding a Gift in Virtuous, you have the option to specify a "Passthrough Giver." Click here to learn more about how to enter Gifts in Virtuous. A Passthrough Giver is an individual who should receive credit for a particular gift, even though the gift in question technically comes from another entity. Passthrough Giving is also commonly called Soft Crediting.
Common examples might include business owners who give corporate gifts through their company instead of giving privately, or givers whose gifts come from a Donor-Advised Fund. In these cases, while your nonprofit would receive checks from a company or community foundation, the intent to give actually originated with an individual.
When using Passthrough Giving in Virtuous, the Donor whose Contact is attached to the Gift will have that Gift listed under the "Gifts" tab on their record. Nothing for that Gift will appear under the "Passthrough" tab for this Donor.
For the Donor listed as the Passthrough Giver, the Gift will show under the "Passthrough Gifts" tab on their record but not under their "Gifts" tab.
When viewing the Giving tab in a Contact record, you'll notice that there is no add button for Passthrough gifts. Passthroughs cannot be entered directly or by themselves; a Passthrough, or Soft Credit, is an element of an actual gift.
In the Giving Overview widget on Contact records, Passthrough Gifts are excluded by default. To include them, click the three dots in the widget and select "Include Passthrough Giving," which updates statistics to reflect Passthrough Gifts.
Additionally, the "Passthrough Giving Overview" widget provides specific details such as Life-To-Date Passthrough Giving, the single highest Passthrough Gift, and the most recent Passthrough Gift.
In some cases, you may want to split a single gift among multiple Passthrough Givers. For example, this is a common necessity for organizations who receive CFC Gifts via the United Way. Since the Passthrough amount is always equal to the gift amount, for these situations, the best option is to split the gift into multiple gifts, entering a separate Passthrough Contact for each gift.
Note: This does not apply to donors who have made a qualified charitable contribution (IRA gift). See this article for more information on how to acknowledge IRA gifts.
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