The Gifts by Tag report allows users to view giving data for a specified time period, broken down by Contact Tags. With included options to view either summary or detailed information, this report can provide an instant snapshot of giving for a specific segment of any database.
Use the "Include Gift Detail" checkbox to include a listing of individual Gifts, including the Contact Name, Gift Date, Campaign, and Project information.
The Gifts by Tag report can also be used to compare giving data between multiple Tags. However, since Tags are associated at the Contact level, and a Contact may have multiple Tags, bear in mind that in these scenarios it is possible to see a Gift listed more than once.
For example, an organization may have Tags for "Major Donor" and "Recurring Donor." In that organization, Donor X may be BOTH a Major Donor AND a Recurring Donor. Running the Gifts by Tag report to compare giving for Recurring Donor vs Major Donor will result in a report that lists any Gifts from Donor X twice, once under each Tag.
For this reason, it is critical that the Gifts by Tag report not be used for accounting or financial reporting. The best uses of the report would be for fundraisers to view trends in their giving data or analyze giving for a specific segment of givers.