The Grant Management tool in Virtuous provides an easily access way to track grant applications, store documents and materials, manage tasks, and track follow-ups to granting organizations.
To get started, find the Gifts tab from then left side Primary Navigation, then navigate to the Grant Management page.
Look for the Actions button in the upper right, click, and select "Create a Grant" to bring up the New Grant dialog box.

In the New Grant Dialog box, enter as much information as possible about the new grant.
To learn more about each of the fields, here's a breakdown(* indicates a required field):
Title*: The name of the particular grant. Some foundations may name their individual grant awards ("The Steve Rogers Award for American Patriotism," for example) so use the actual name of the award. If there is no official name, provide a title that is unique and makes it easy to know at a glance what this grant is and what it is for.
Description: Use this field to provide more detail about the grant, including application requirements, foundation history, etc.
Owner: Select the team member who will be responsible for managing the grant application process.
Granting Organization*: Select the Contact record for the granting organization. If the granting organization is not already a Contact, they will need to be added to the database first.
Total Anticipated Amount: The dollar amount being requested in the grant application.
Due Date: The deadline for grant application submissions.
Status: Use the status field to track the progress of your organization's grant applications. Grants may be added as soon as information about them is found; mark them appropriately to know if they are being actively considered. The five status values are:
- Active
- Did not apply
- Lost
- Upcoming
- Won
Submission Date: The date when grant application was actually submitted to the granting organization. This will generally need to be filled in later, unless past grant submission are being logged.
Anticipated Award Date: The date when grant awards are scheduled to be announced. This information is usually made public along with grant submission guidelines, or may be shared with applicants during the consideration process.
Point of Contact: The name of the person at the granting organization -- usually the program manager or grants process manager -- who is the main contact person for questions and other communication related to the grant application process. These fields are not lookup fields, which means this person does not need to be an Individual listed on the Contact record for the granting organization. Adding this person as an Individual is recommended, however.
Email: The email address of the main Point of Contact.
Phone: The direct phone number for the main Point of Contact.
Website: The web address or url for the granting organization, specifically the url for information regarding the grant application process.
The fields in the Awarded Grant section will not be filled out when logging a new, upcoming grant. Use this section once a grant award has been announced to log whether or not the grant was received. If a grant award was received, enter the amount of the grant and the date the award was announced. Use the "Award Terms and Payment Info" section to log notes about the payout schedule, including anticipated payment date(s), and any follow up reporting requirements, along with any additional restrictions on the grant award.
Once all information for the new Grant has been entered, click SAVE to be taken to the page for the new grant.
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