'd like to send text messages to you supporters? Great! That's an excellent way to stay connected.
Once you have added SMS messaging to your account, You'll be able to configure SMS messaging.
To begin setup, navigate to the SMS page in Virtuous. Hover over the left side bar, then select Marketing. Under Marketing, select SMS.
Note: Once you have set the toll-free number for your organization, this setting cannot be changed.
Next, fill out all of the fields in the Verification Details section - this information will be used to verify your toll-free number, which is required for sending messages to the US.
- Restrict SMS messages to known mobile numbers means that only phone numbers labelled "Mobile Phone" can be used for sending texts. If you are not sure that you have phone numbers labelled correctly, you can choose not to check this box. This means that it is possible that you may send SMS messages to home or work phones, which means the messages will not be received.
- I certify that we have consent to send SMS messages to the phone numbers we collected in our database must be checked in order to configure SMS and begin sending messages.
Once you have made your selections, click Save to complete the setup.
Note: Before submitting the verification details for the toll-free number, please make sure that your provided website has a contact form with appropriate "Opt-In" verbiage for collecting phone numbers for the purposes of sending SMS. This can be a Virtuous Lead Form or any other form on your organization's website used for collecting contact details. The recommended "Opt-In" verbiage should contain "I consent to receive SMS on this number." or similar verbiage, presented as an option next to the phone number field on the form.
The information will now be submitted for verification, which may take 2-3 weeks. As of January 31, 2024, messages from any toll-free number that is unverified or pending will be blocked and subject to messaging fees.
After completing the setup and submitting the verification details, please open a ticket with support ( to check the status of the SMS Toll-Free Verification.
Now you're all set to begin creating templates and sending messages! Check out this article to learn more about SMS templates.
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