Tracking Volunteer Hours enables you to keep up to date with ongoing needs for a specific Volunteer Opportunity and celebrate the overall generosity of donors when they give with their time and talents! When recording volunteer hours you can update them individually by volunteer, or in bulk via an import.
To add volunteer hours individually:
If a volunteer has already been added to an opportunity and you're recording their hours, navigate to the Volunteers Tab within the opportunity.

Once there, use the edit button next to the volunteer record.

Add the date of the volunteer service (Virtuous will default to the current date) and the hours served. Don't forget to click the blue add button to lock in your entry. From here you can add additional volunteer hours for this Individual as it relates to this specific opportunity and click add volunteer hours to record this service.

One thing to note is that volunteer hours can be added for dates in the past or future. Depending on how you choose to track volunteer hours for planning purposes if you enter future volunteer hours, don't forget to reconcile your entries after volunteers complete their service.
To add volunteer hours in bulk:
If you are recording a group of volunteer hours after they have been served, you can import a list via the Gift & Contact Import tool. Download the Contact Import Template and you'll see fields included for Volunteer Opportunity ID, Volunteer Opportunity Name, Volunteer Date, and Volunteer Hours. You can use this as a way to record multiple volunteers and their respective hours of service as well as multiple times volunteering for a single individual.For example: Person A volunteered 1 time for 8 hours and Person B volunteered 2 times for 4 hours each time. You can enter all three of these volunteer shifts at once with three rows in a CSV file.
Copy the fields relating to the Volunteer Opportunity and add additional columns to the import file (the existing columns are labeled as '1' so your brand new columns would be labeled as '2'). This allows you to enter Person B as one row within your file, but Virtuous will capture two separate shifts.
- Person A would have the columns labeled as '1' filled.
- Person B would have the columns labeled as '1' and '2' filled.

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