You can email the results of a report to other Virtuous users by scheduling a custom report to be emailed to them with a recurring frequency.
Navigate to the Reports page by selecting Reports in the main menu.
Once on the My Reports page, along the top is the Scheduled Reports tab where you can select the New Scheduled Report button to create a new scheduled report to be emailed.
Once on the Create Scheduled Report page, select the existing custom report that you'd like to schedule. To learn more about creating a custom report check out this article!
Select the date and time that you'd like the report to be run and emailed for the first time. Once the first date and time are selected, choose the frequency that you'd like all future reports to follow.
Select all of the Virtuous Users that will be receiving an email with this scheduled report (don't forget to include yourself if necessary). Users do not have to be actively logged into Virtuous to receive the report, but they must be active users within the system. Check out this article to learn how to add a user to Virtuous.
If you include recipients that have specific user permissions that are restricted to seeing only certain gifts, or a certain group of contacts, the scheduled report will honor those restrictions. Each user will see ONLY the data that is allowed based on their specific user permissions.
Once a report is scheduled, you'll see the date and time of the next email send on the scheduled reports tab. Just click on the reports’ hyperlink directly from the page to edit any schedule details.
Once a report runs at its scheduled time, all recipients will receive an email that includes a link to the report within Virtuous AND two attachments, both in CSV format.
The first attachment includes the chart data, and the second includes the complete report data. Let's take a look at how the data is presented in Virtuous and its corresponding data presented in a CSV file.
Chart Data in Virtuous:
Chart Data in CSV File:
Complete Report Data in Virtuous:
Complete Report Data in CSV File:
(note that the screenshot is only showing the first few records)
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