In Virtuous, the Query tool is potentially the most data packed access point across the entire platform. Queries are used in many ways including Receipting, Automation targeting, Marketing, internal data management, and much more. This article will provide best practice recommendations for Organization wide query usage along with some Admin specific suggestion.
Table of Contents
- Admin Recommendations
- Naming and Description Best Practices
- Managing Organization Definitions
- Managing Receipting Preferences
- Managing Other Communication Preferences
- Recommended Resources
Admin Recommendations
As an Admin user, there are certain Permissions and features only accessible to you. Maintaining intentional access to different areas of the platform and types of data will allow for confidence while a complex team works shoulder to shoulder in the same database.
Creating and Managing User Permissions
User Permissions define what areas of the Virtuous platform a User group can access. Beyond that, this is where you can define what "access" means for the various features and data available across the platform. As a best practice, access to the "Bulk Edit" feature available when customizing User Permissions should be given with intention and discretion. Tailoring Permissions to match a users needs will allow for increased confidence when many users are accessing the same database.
A few reminders regarding User Permissions
- Defaulting to inviting all Users as "Admin" can drastically increase the risk of unintended actions happening, some of which cannot be reversed.
- Permissions are not set in stone and can be modified as needed
- Permission Groups should be created for a type of user rather than a specific user
- As an example, creating a Permission Group for "Marketing" is the proper use of Permission Groups as opposed to "Tanya's Custom Access."
Creating and Managing Organization Groups
Organization Groups can be used in a variety of ways to manage Donor/Contact groupings. A few typical use cases are listed below.
- Missionary Fundraising
- Major Gift Officer Portfolios
- Regional Donor Groups
- Site/Location Specific Groups
Organization Groups are an excellent way to define "windows or walls" within your CRM. When a User is assigned to an Organization Group, the Admin can choose whether or not to limit Contact Access in line with the Organization Group.
Establishing these groupings may require a bit of work and internal conversation. After your team has set up Organization Groups, the continued management of Contacts being added is significantly more streamlined.
Naming and Description Best Practices
The lines of criteria within a Query are incredibly important but the Name and Description of a Query may be just as important when considering how others on your team may be viewing them.
- In order to be accessible under 'My Queries', 'Team Queries', and 'All Queries', your query must have a name other than the default name that automatically populated when you created. If you do not name your query, it is deemed 'temporary' even if you enter a custom description.
- Temporary queries are not searchable and cannot be retrieved without a direct link.
- Temporary queries will no longer display in the 'recent queries' tab after one week.
Managing Organization Definitions
Using a Query, you can define and lock in the criteria for organization wide categories. Below are a few example to demonstrate how and why this could benefit your organization.
Example: First Time Donor
If your organization defines a "First Time Donor" as anybody who has given their first gift, direct or Passthrough, within the last 90 days, this can be built as the exact criteria in a Contact Query.
The benefit of having this definition already built into a Query means others across your organization will not have to wonder or debate what a "First Time Donor" is.
Example: New Non Donor
If your organization defines a "New Non Donor" as any Contact record that has been created in Virtuous within the last 90 days, this can also be built into a query to cement the definition.
- When creating the name and descriptions, consider how others in your organization may be referencing these definitions through the process of nesting queries. Having a clear name like "First Time Donor - Official Definition" can cut through any confusion.
- Consider syncing with your various teams to discuss what selections of data they regularly reference. Queries can combine Volunteer, Event, Membership, and more data meaning your organization can lock in complex definitions beyond Giving History.
Managing Receipting Preferences
Receipting Groups are the backbone of the Receipting process, with those bring powered by Gift Queries. Utilizing Gift Queries in a strategic and efficient manner is integral to the Receipting process running smoothly in Virtuous.
Receipt Format and Available Data Requirement
Before successfully sending either an Email Receipt or a physical Receipt in the mail, you will need to verify the appropriate data is available on Contacts.
EXAMPLE: Email Receipt
Create an Individual Query to group all Primary Individuals with an Email Address on file. The Query criteria provided below is the minimum setup to find appropriate Individuals.
Field: Has email?
Operator: Is true
Value: N/A
Field: Primary
Operator: Is true
Value: N/A
Name and save this Individual Query with a specific title as you will be referencing it in the next step.
Next, create a Gift Query to nest your Individual Query into.
Field: Contacts
Operator: In
Value: [name of the Individual Query you created in the previous step]
Then, enter in the additional criteria. A few common use cases are outlined below.
Check Gift
Field: Gift Type
Operator: Is
Value: Check
Recurring Gift
Field: Related to recurring gift?
Operator: Is true
Value: N/A
Stock Gift
Field: Gift Type
Operator: Is
Value: Stock
Major Donor
Field: Amount
Operator: Greater than or equal to
Value: $XXXX (whatever value you would like as a minimum threshold)
Example: Mail Receipt
Create an Contact Query to group all Contacts with an Email Address on file. The Query criteria provided below is the minimum setup to find appropriate Contacts.
Field: Address
Operator: Is known
Value: N/A
Just as with the Email Receipt process, you'll then nest this Contact Query into a Gift Query.
Field: Contacts
Operator: In
Value: [name of the Contact Query you created in the previous step]
Managing Other Communication Preferences
Just as with Receipting Preferences, you can use Queries to manage various communication preferences on a Contact record. Establishing when and how Tags are used to manage Communication Preferences will allow your team to respect your donor's boundaries.
As an example, if you are using a "Do Not Contact" Tag to mark records as such, be sure to exclude that as a line in other queries.
Reminder: This article is only intended to provide broad best practices and it's encouraged to build your Virtuous processes to reflect your unique and custom fundraising practices.
Recommended Resources
As you build, edit, share, and use different Queries, you can lean on the various resources available in the Support Center and Virtuous Training Academy.
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