If you missed the live Training Deep Dive webinar, check out the full recording down below. In this session, Molly Kinder and Matt Bailey walk through the Annual Receipting Preparation and Execution process.
The Annual Statement Preparation process should be approached strategically. In this session, Contact queries, Gift queries, and Multiple Gifts per Receipt Templates are reviewed. Three main examples referenced are Recurring Donors, Major Donors, and General Donors
To review the previous Training Deep Dive sessions, check out this Support Article.
Session Highlights
00:00 - 10:21: Introduction and Key Terms
10:21 - 11:49:Customizing Annual Statements for Donors
11:49 - 17:36: Creating Templates for Annual Statements
17:36 - 21:27: Utilizing Gift Tables in Receipts
21:27 - 26:18: Inclusion of Pass-Through Gifts in Receipts
26:18 - 29:27: Creating Email Templates for Receipts
29:27 - 32:17: Tailoring Receipts for Different Donor Types
32:17 - 37:25: The Importance of Customizing Templates
37:25 - 40:48:Building Queries for Annual Statements
40:48 - 46:38 Customizing Queries for Targeted Receipts
46:38 - 48:56: Managing Receipt Limits
48:56 - 51:06: Troubleshooting Nested Queries
51:06 - 56:26: Improving Gift Table Formatting
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