Events are a key part of many organizations' annual calendars. The Event Management features in Virtuous allow you to create events, invite Individuals, and track RSVPs and attendance. Events can even be synced to Eventbrite to track registrations.
To get started, look for the Events icon in the menu on the left and click to go to the Events page.

On this screen, you'll see any events that have already been created for your organization, with options on the left to filter and find specific events. To create a new event, look for the Actions button in the upper right. Click and then select the option to "Create an Event."

This will bring up the new event form, where you can fill in all of the information for your event.
- Name: Provide a unique name for your event that will make it easy to recognize.
- Event Type: Events can be classified into types for tracking and reporting purposes. The list of available Event Types is hard-coded, and cannot be modified. Values here include Acquisition, Auction, Benefit, Cultivation, Fundraising, Gala, Run, and Volunteer Service.
- Start Date and Time: The date for your event, and planned start time. The system will always fill in a placeholder value — click on the calendar to select a new value. Note that changing the date will cause the time to update as well, so both will need to be updated.
- End Date and Time: The date when your event will end; selecting separate values for start and end allows for multi-day events. The system will always fill in a placeholder value — click on the calendar to select a new value. Note that changing the date will cause the time to update as well, so both will need to be updated.
- Time Zone: Select the correct time zone for your event. This is especially important to check if your event will be held in a different time zone than the default zone for your organization.
- Description: This is a free text field where you can include a brief snippet about your event, like "Join us on the golf course to help eradicate childhood hunger!" NOTE: text entered here should be a finished, public-facing copy, as your donors may see this information, depending on how you choose to manage invitations.
- Special Instructions: A free text field to include any specifics attendees may need to know, such as "Please park in the south lot." NOTE: text entered here should be a finished, public-facing copy, as your donors may see this information, depending on how you choose to manage invitations.
- Tables: The event features include tracking table assignments for galas and other similar events. Enter the table numbers (or other identifiers) that you will want to assign for your event, with each value on a separate row.
- Meals: Invitees can specify meal preferences, which are then tracked on their invitation in Virtuous. Enter the meal selections for your event, such as "Chicken, Fish, Beef, Vegan, Gluten-free," with each value on a separate row.
- Invite Only: Events can be specified as Invite-only, or open to the public. use this for tracking and reporting purposes.
- RSVP Required?: Events can be set to require an RSVP, for tracking purposes.
- Event Address: Enter the street address for the event space or facility where the event will take place.
- Location: The name of the event space or facility where the event will take place. This should not be the address. That information is entered later in the form. This is especially important for any organization planning to use the Eventbrite sync feature.
- Campaign Communication: Events can optionally be linked to a Campaign Communication, in order to track funds raised at the event. Type to search and select a Communication. An event can also be linked to a Communication after it has been created; just click to edit the event. If a Campaign Communication is not linked, then no data will be shown on the Gifts tab when viewing your event.
Click Save once you have entered all of your information, and your event will be created. You'll be taken to the page for your new event. review the event data to ensure everything is correct; if not, you can always click the edit icon to make changes.
You'll notice that the event screen has three tabs, Event, Attendees, and Gifts. The Event tab shows all of the general information for your event. The Attendees tab lists your attendees and their information, which you can learn more about here. The Gifts tab will list all gifts received at the event, as long as your event is linked to a Campaign Communication.
Once you've created an event, check out our other articles on this topic to make the most of your event.
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