Once you've created an event, you'll want to add people to track their RSVPs, attendance and more. In Virtuous, this means you'll be adding Individuals to your new event. Event Attendees (or invitations) are tracked at the Individual level, as opposed to Contact, because with events it is always important to have a good head count of attendees, and a single Contact could include any number of Individuals.
Note: Only Individuals can be added to an event, not Contacts.
There are two types of Individuals on an event: Event Contacts and Event Attendees. Here's a quick primer on adding these to your events.
Event Contacts
When viewing your event, you'll see the Event Contacts box on the left side of the screen.
Click on the blue add button to bring up the New Event Contact form.
On the form, you can search for an existing Individual, or quickly create a new Contact record to add a new Individual as an Event Contact.
Event Attendees
It's generally best to think of Event Attendees as simply "Invitees." These are Individuals who are invited to attend or have attended your event. There are a few ways to add Individuals to this list.
First, you can manually add an Individual directly to the event. Just click on the Attendees tab on your event, and then click on the Actions menu on the right.
Select "Add Attendee" from the drop-down to bring up a form.
To add an existing Individual as an attendee, click the Contact Individual field to search for them. Then, click Save and Close, and your Individual will be added to the Attendees list.
To add a new Individual as an Attendee, fill out the information under Create New Event Attendee. As a rule for any Individual on a Contact record, you must enter at least a first and last name.
(Note: This will only create a single individual on a new Contact record.)
Once you have filled out all of your information, click Save and Close. A new Individual record will be created under a new Contact record, and the Individual will be added to the Attendees list.
Records can also be manually added in bulk. From the results of a Contact or Individual query, click on the Actions button in the upper right and select "Invite to an Event."
On the Contacts screen, you can even invite Individuals from the map filter view. This will allow you to target a specific geographical area in building your event list. Just click on the Actions menu once you've identified the record you want to invite and select "Invite to an Event."
Note: Inviting from the results of a Contact query or the Contact map filter will add the Primary Individual from each record included in the list
It's also possible to import a list via the Gift & Contact Import tool to add event invitees. Download the Contact Import Template and you'll see fields included for Event and Event ID. Use either value to specify an event and add matched Individuals to your event list.
Finally, you can also use the Eventbrite integration to add Individuals to an event as they register online. Check out our article on this integration to learn more.
Once you've added people to your event, you'll be ready for the big day.