On your main Dashboard, you'll notice a section titled "Virtuous Relationship-Building Recommendations", with two section of data to review. The first section is titled "Best Calls to Make Today" and the section is titled "Thank You Calls". The main purpose of these two lists is to be a responsive fundraiser by offering the information you need to reach out to a Contact with confidence, whether that's to make a specific ask or thank them for a generous contribution they've made recently. This article will outline the function of these lists and the best practices associated.
List Overview
You'll see a list of Contacts in this list with an indicator next to their name in addition to other pieces of information that are useful to know before making a call. This list serves as a tool to help you discover your best donors and prospects and ultimately determine your outreach strategy for the day - or at least where to begin.
You can think of your Best Calls list like a leaderboard in your office; you might see a list of names on a whiteboard for the team to see. Every time a team member calls someone on the list, they cross off that name so everyone else can see that no further action is needed on their part.
This is a shared list; every User sees this list in Virtuous when they log in to their dashboard (with the exception of some restrictions they may have with their specific permission group or organization group). When anyone clicks the clipboard icon to create a Contact Note for that Contact or hits the trash icon to dismiss the call, the Contact is dropped from the list. And when that happens, that name is taken off the list for everyone. Then, after a name is taken off the list, they should make it back to the list in about 90 days.
To learn more about managing User Permissions, check out this Support Article.
To learn more about using Organization Groups, check out this Support Article.
What's the Indicator?
- Financial: These Contacts have a high Financial Score.
- Social: These Contacts have a high Social Score.
- Lapsed: These Contacts currently have the Lapsed Donor system Tag, meaning they have not made a financial gift to your organization in at least 12 months OR they have an active pledge or recurring gift with at least one past due payment. These Givers should be contacted to ensure they renew their support of your organization.
- Pre-Lapsed: These Contacts currently have the Pre-Lapsed system Tag. Contacts in Virtuous will be marked as Pre-Lapsed if they have no gifts within the last 6 months. These Givers should also be contacted to ensure they renew their support of your organization.
Who's Keeping Score?
There are two types of scores: Financial and Social. Both of these are measured on a scale from 0-99, 99 being the best. And these scores aren't exclusive to this list; they also show up on a Contact record.
The Financial Score is used to identify your best donors based on a few factors:
- Total amount they've given to your organization
- How recently they've given
- How frequently they've given
These values are dependent on their contributions to your organization specifically - in other words, this score does not consider Contacts' giving behavior to other organizations. The combination of these values suggests that building and maintaining a relationship with these Contacts can help foster continued financial support.
The Social Score is used to identify Contacts with valuable social capital based on a few factors:
- Number of relationships that Contact has
- Number of nearby Contacts (which can be seen in the Contact's Relational Giving Widget)
- Social media following (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
To learn more about how Relationships work in Virtuous, check out this Support Article.
To learn more about the various Widgets available, check out this Support Article.
Information pulled from Social Insights can contribute to Social Scores greatly, but these scores are not entirely dependent on this information. Ultimately, the combination of these values suggests that building and maintaining a relationship with these Contacts can help foster support using their social influence. For example, someone with a large Facebook following would be great for leading a peer-to-peer segment as part of a larger campaign - the larger the following, the larger their network, which means a greater reach if they share your organization's message and ask for support.
Ultimately, these scores are influenced by the associated values you set in their records. So, while the algorithms for the scores are hard-coded, the data you enter can influence them.
To learn more about the Social Insights feature, check out this Support Article.
To learn more about managing peer-to-peer fundraising, check out this Support Article.
Giving Overview
This is basic giving information from that Contact to give you an overview of their activity, including the values that contribute to their Financial Score:
- Life To Date (LTD) Giving Amount
- Life To Date (LTD) Gift Count
- Giving Amount from most recent gift & when that gift was made
Recent Activity
This is based on the date of the last Note entered on the Contact's record. You might consider how long it's been since your last touchpoint with this Contact when deciding when to reach out to them.
The Ask
Virtuous takes all of this information and calculates an ask! Like Financial and Social Scores, this suggested ask can also be seen on a Contact's record.
Cross Them Off Your List
On the right side of the list, you'll see two icons:
If you made the call, click the sticky note icon. This will prompt you to add Contact Note details. After you've filled out those details and pressed "Save Contact Note," you will see only a green sticky note icon for that row to indicate that a Note has been added. Once the page is refreshed, you will no longer see this Contact on your list. Additionally, you will see that Note in their Contact record.
If you want to dismiss the call, click the trash can icon. Then, the icons will be replaced with an Undo link. As long as you stay on the page, you can click Undo to keep that Contact on your list. Once the page is refreshed, you will no longer see this Contact on your list. Note: Clicking the trash can icon simply dismisses the best call to drop the Contact from this list; it does NOT delete or archive the Contact.
Virtuous makes a lot of calculations based on the information included in your database. That said, the following rings true more than ever: the data that Virtuous puts out is as good as the data that's put in. The more information you have on your donors, the better Virtuous can calculate these values that indicate potential success in fostering support in some way.
Now that you know what goes into these calculations, you can begin (or continue) collecting and entering the relevant data that will help Virtuous make them as accurate as possible so you can truly make the best calls you can!
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