Fundraising efforts come in many shapes and sizes. The idea of Peer-to-Peer fundraising, or P2P, is flexible. A few examples of typical use cases include tracking donation totals per teams, table hosts, or specific Contact. Essentially, someone or something fundraising on your behalf. This article will cover the best practices for building, assigning, and reporting on the various details of a successful P2P Campaign.
Campaign Elements
In Campaigns, there is a specific Channel named "Peer-to-Peer" when creating a Campaign Communication. To learn more about how Campaigns function in Virtuous, check out this Support Article.
In the example below, the idea of an annual Board Member commitment is being used. This is the Board Member "Give/Get" Campaign 2024. Within this Campaign, there is one Campaign Communication named "Annual Board Give/Get" with the Channel being "Peer-to-Peer". To learn more about creating a Campaign, check out this Support Article.
Next, you will build the Segments. In the example below, we have 5 Segments, one for each Board Member. Focusing on Alex Matcalf, there is a Segment named "Alex Metcalf Give Get 2024" with the Segment Code being "AlexMetcalf24".
It's a great idea to consider a standard naming convention when creating your Segment Names and Segment Codes. This can make query and reporting needs more efficient. Check out this Support Article to learn more about using naming conventions in Virtuous.
Assigning a Fundraiser
There are two ways you can assign a Fundraiser to a Segment.
1. From the Segment Page in Campaigns
Looking at the details of this specific Segment, the most important field when linking a Contact record is the "Fundraiser" field. Here, we have entered the Contact record for Alex Metcalf.
Note: the Fundraiser field is NOT a strict requirement for using the P2P Communication Channel, however it is best practice to make sure the impact reflects on the appropriate Contact record. Additional guidance on this piece is provided further in this section.
It's important to have a Segment per fundraiser/fundraising team, etc to neatly define who/what fundraised each specific gift. In the example below, each Board Member has their own Segment and Code.
2. Directly on the Contact Record
Navigate to the specific Contact record to be assigned. In the example below, Miss Jeanne Fischer needs to be assigned a Peer-to-Peer Segment to track her Board Member commitment. Select the "Giving" tab and scroll down.
Towards the bottom of the screen on the right-hand side, you'll find a box titled "Peer to Peer". Select either the blue plus of the "Add a Segment" button.
In the pop-out window you will first decide if you need to create a new Segment or simply need to assign the Fundraiser to an existing Segment. If your Segment has already been created, search for it in the "Segment" box. Select the appropriate Segment and then select "Save Segment Fundraiser".
If you need to create a new Segment, switch the top tab over to the "Create a New Segment" option. Enter the appropriate Campaign Communication. Then, enter the appropriate Segment Name and Segment Code details. After all your necessary data has been entered, select "Save Segment Fundraiser".
Now, when each Board Member is out fundraising on behalf of your organization, they can use a custom URL to direct donors to an online Giving Form to track their fundraising efforts. To learn more about using Segment Codes in URL tracking, check out this Support Article.
Tracking and Reporting
There are a few ways you can track and report on P2P fundraising efforts. Let's chat about them!
1. Gift Query
With the various elements of a Campaign being available as searchable fields in a Query, you can easily find specific slices of data. In the example below, Gift records with the P2P Communication Channel, a Gift date for the current calendar year, the Segment Code ending in "24" and the Segment associated has a Fundraiser assigned.
2. Relational Giving Widget
At the top of each Contact Record there is a widget titled "Relational Giving". The data displayed here is being pulled from Relationships and Fundraising efforts via a P2P Segment. As a Fundraiser brings in Gifts, those amounts will be reflected here in the Relational Giving widget.
3. Campaign Giving Report
One of the Standard Reports readily available is the Campaign Giving Report.
In this example, each Board Member is clearly displayed.
To learn more about the Campaign Giving Report, check out this Support Article.
4. Campaign Summary Report
Another Standard Report that brings great value with little effort is the Campaign Summary Report.
This report is a great way to get a high level snapshot of the Campaign progress.
To learn more about the Campaign Summary Report, check out this Support Article.
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