Ooops! Never the thing you want to hear coming from someone while they're working in your database. It happens though- maybe they didn't have enough coffee or they just have a lot on their plates right now, mistakes happen. So, what happens when that mistake is using the wrong query or filter in segmentation and now thousands of people have the wrong communications listed on their record?!
Easy! We just discard the segmentation and start over! Let's walk through what that process looks like and things to consider.
Segmentation on a Contact Record
When we run segmentation, the contact record receives a log of having received the communication that you're sending out. This helps you to identify what campaigns they may have been involved in and may also help in finding out some of those mystery mail gifts! This is what it looks like on a record when someone has been a part of segmentation:
Before we talk about discarding segmentation, it's important to keep in mind what segmentation does and does not do.
Segmentation Does:
- Mark on a record that a contact received that campaign communication
- Allows you to track the ROI for your communication
- Allows you to track the response rate for a communication.
Segmentation does not:
- Actually send a communication.
- Automatically connect to any gifts (those are connected in gift entry)
Discarding Segmentation
If you have added the wrong query or realized that some of your parameters were incorrect, never fear, you CAN discard the segmentation without destroying your database. When you discard segmentation you get a scary looking warning:
So, what happens when we discard segmentation?
- The record of the communication is removed from the Contact record
- ROI and response rates will be zeroed out until you re-run segmentation.
- You get the chance to correct your mistake.
- The gifts associated with the segment will NOT change.
Now What?
Now you're ready to tackle segmentation with no fear! If you need more help with campaigns or segmentation check out these articles:
How Do I Run Segmentation in Virtuous? How Do I Segment My Audiences?