Creating a Campaign within Virtuous is considered the first step of creating the overall campaign framework consisting of
Communications, and
To create a campaign, hover over the left side bar, then select Marketing. Under Marketing, select Campaigns.
Click the Actions drop down and choose Create A Campaign.
Campaign Name (required): You guessed it, your campaign name goes here.
Description: Any internal supporting details regarding the overall campaign goals or structure can go here.
Start Date: The overall start date of the campaign.
End Date: The overall end date of the campaign.
Giving Goal: The total goal amount for fundraising efforts directly related to this campaign.
New Giver Goal: The total goal amount for new givers directly related to this campaign.
Total Gift Goal: The total goal count for fundraising efforts directly related to this campaign.
Owner: Internal Virtuous user that is the main point of contact for this campaign.
Twitter Hashtag: An internal reference of any official hashtag related to the campaign.
Google Analytics View ID: An internal reference of any Google Analytics information related to the campaign.
Google Analytics Campaign: An internal reference of any Google Analytics information related to the campaign.
Include the following campaign communications In this campaign: Advocacy, Direct Mail, Email, Event, Peer-to-peer, Phone, PR, Radio, Social Media, TV, Web, Other. These campaign communications are hard coded in Virtuous. These selections are a head start on creating the campaign communications related to this campaign - this is not the only chance you have to select the overall campaign communications, any communications can be added, or deleted after the campaign itself is saved. Selecting a campaign communication at this point merely jumps you ahead a few clicks in the process.
Once you've created your campaign juuust the way you'd like it, you can always choose to copy a campaign and modify for recurring fundraising. For example, your Annual Summer Fun Campaign is structured relatively similarly year after year, just copy the campaign instead of creating next year's campaign from scratch. This will allow you to have a great starting point with your existing campaign AND communication information. From there all you have left is the
Archiving a Campaign
If you want to clean up your list of Campaigns, archiving is the ideal solution. Archiving a Campaign is great if you have a long list of Campaigns from the past that will no longer have new Gifts connected to them. Remember that Campaigns are designed to reflect your current fundraising efforts, and the Campaigns list is designed to show all “active” Campaigns. So, let’s look at how to archive an old Campaign.
Keep in mind, "archiving" a Campaign is not the same as “deleting” or “removing” a Campaign. Once a Campaign has been created, it will remain “active” for Gifts to be connected to its Segments until it is archived.
To archive a Campaign, simply click the three-dots submenu next to the Campaign you wish to archive. A list of options will appear, one of which is to archive this Campaign.

After selecting “Archive”, a slide out will appear confirming your selection. Confirm and then your Campaign will be archived.

When archiving a Campaign, it is not “deleted” and so all of the data connected to it (i.e. Segments, Gifts, etc. ) are still intact. Archiving is simply hiding the Campaign and all of its components (but NOT the Gifts) until you need to unarchive it. Again, archiving a Campaign only hides that Campaign and its Communications and Segments. Nothing will happen to the Gifts that are connected to the Segments in the archived Campaign.
If you want to unarchive a Campaign, click the “Actions” button in the top right corner on the main Campaigns list page. Select the “View Archived Campaigns” option from the list.

The list of archived Campaigns will appear. Select the name of the Campaign you want to “unarchive” and then a confirmation slide out will appear to confirm your selection. This will unarchive your selected Campaign.

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