Campaigns in Virtuous are used to track the origin of a gift. They help answer the questions: How did you ask for the gift? What was the message? Who was the audience that you sent that message to? All of this is designed to help refine and track fundraising efforts.
A Campaign is made up for three different elements: the top category of a hierarchy consisting of the overall Campaign, then the corresponding Communications, and lastly, Segments. Campaigns may describe a coordinated outreach effort -- think “Fall Membership Drive” or “New Library Capital Campaign” -- or they may simply be a way to capture your annual fundraising efforts. The Campaign structure can be adapted for any size organization, and allows smaller nonprofits to grow as goals increase and campaigns become more expansive.
The basic Campaign structure looks like this:
For a smaller organization, this hierarchy might practically be set up to look something like this:
In this scenario, we see that there are three main fundraising efforts going on for the year:
- online donations are being collected, likely with a "Donate Now" link on the organizations website
- a gala fundraiser event in the spring
- a mailer that goes out at the end of the year
For larger, more complex organizations running several Campaigns throughout the year, this hierarchy would look a little different. Here's an example of a single Campaign:
Even this may be somewhat simplified; some organizations may have dozens of segments for a single mailing.
Keep In Mind
Campaigns are designed to be finite, and they must have a defined start and end date. As the purpose of Campaigns is to track your fundraising efforts, it's important to be able to understand the success of a specific push. For example, you will need to create a 2024 Year End Campaign and then a 2025 Year End Campaign, as so on. This design is intentional to help you to start looking at how you've raising funds and the efficacy of those efforts. Learn more about creating Campaigns here.
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