Email Gets a Power-up
That's right, Virtuous Email has found a way to get to the Mushroom Kingdom and get hold of a fire flower, because it definitely has some power-ups going for it.
First, by very popular demand, we are excited to introduce a way to organize your emails: Email Groups! When creating a new email, you can assign it to a Group and then easily filter your emails to find all emails in that Group. Think of it like a folder system for categorizing emails. Now you'll be able to see all your monthly newsletters in one place, or your MarioKart tournament updates. Whatever you like!
To create a new Email Group, or edit existing ones, just click on "Manage Groups" from the Actions menu on the Email page.
There, you can click to create a new Group. When editing an existing Email Group, you'll be able to see how many emails are included, along with a list that allows you to quickly view or remove each email in the Group.
Once you've created Email Groups and assigned emails to them, you can use the drop-down filter in the upper right of the Email page to quickly view emails by Group.
This should make it even easier to navigate through your organization's emails. But what about measuring the performance of your emails?
Well, hold on to your little red plumber's hat, because we've got EVEN MORE in store. (We did say "power-ups," plural, earlier). In this release, we've added additional metrics to sent emails, with a listing of each url linked in an email and the total clicks—and unique clicks—for each. Now, you can see at a glance which links your audience is clicking on and how much engagement is being driven by each one.
But you hear that? No, it's not Bowser's new song. (Which, let's face it, isn't nearly as classy as this spiffy rendition of the original Mario theme.) It's the sound of...EVEN MORE new email features!
That's right, we didn't stop with Email Groups, and adding new email link metrics still wasn't enough. So, this release also includes another very popular request: Email List metrics!
Wait...Email List metrics?
You betcha! When viewing all of your Email Lists (just select "Manage Lists" from the Actions menu on the Email page), now you'll see an icon to view Growth Metrics.
Just click, and you'll be able to see how the subscriber count for that Email List has changed over the last month, the last quarter, and over the last year.
Pretty cool, huh?
Not to be outdone, this release ALSO includes new features to allow for a more streamlined domain authentication process. Not sure what that means? That's OK! You can check out more in this super-duper article.
Whew! That's quite a lot of email power-ups, coming directly from user feedback. Go ahead and check them out today! You can get learn more about working with Email Groups in this support article, or just jump right in and start exploring. Let's-a go!
Ticketed Events Level Up
Spring is in the air, which means it's event season! Luckily, we've made a few updates in this release to make managing your next event even easier.
For starters, we've made a few changes to Event Codes. When creating a free or discount code, we've removed the max limit on the amount of the discount. The sky's the limit! Want to use a free code for a $25,000 gala table? Go for it!
We've also modified the way codes will display so it's much simpler to see at a glance which codes are still available to be used and which are not. Green indicators mean a code is still active, blue means a free registration has been used, and red means a code is no longer active.
But hey, we didn't just make changes to Event Codes! We've also added the ability to support including more than one sponsorship in a single purchase. Now, someone could sponsor a hole at your golf tournament AND be a Gold sponsor for your reception, all at once!
Haven't checked out Ticketed Events yet? We've got a whole collection of support articles to help get you started.
New Look for Forms
Why hello there, Forms page! Have you had work done?
We've spruced things up a bit and added tabs to quickly filter for all of your forms, instead of toggling between Giving forms and...all the other forms.
You'll also see a snazzy new look for selecting your form type when creating a new form.
Because forms can have great function and good form! (You see what we did there?)
...And The Rest
As with every release, this latest update also includes a number of other fixes, tweaks, minor modifications, and assorted nudges. Among this month's assorted fixes:
- By overwhelmingly popular demand, we have added the ability to remove an Individual from an Email List in Automation. Now that they can add AND subtract, workflows could pass second grade math, no problemo.
- In our February release, we added email statistics for email receipts and we added a history of statement runs for annual statements. Well, wouldn't you know it, those two kids have hit it off and now they are together, so you can access the email statistics for each statement run right from the statement history. Here's hoping they have a long, happy life together.
- Often, clients ask, "But Virtuous, when I'm doing gift entry, how can I know that a donor has an active pledge?" Well, ask and ye shall receive! Now, we've added pledge details to the matched Contact view in the Gift & Contact Import tool so it's easy to see when a donor has an active pledge.
- When migrating legacy data from other systems to Virtuous, we often find ourselves having to create a custom field for "Deceased Date." Well, if you have to create it often enough, should it really be a custom field? We don't think so! So now, when marking an Individual as deceased, you'll see an additional field to capture Deceased Date.
- Receipt templates have only supported merging in a Contact's Primary Address, which is great and all, but what about sending receipts to snowbirds? Or other commonly migratory folks in your database? Well, now, we've added merge fields for the Current Address as well.
- Custom Collections are already pretty swell, but querying for Collection entries made on a particular date has been a challenge. Until now that is! We've added the ability to query on the Create Date for Collections.
- Filtering records flagged as potential duplicates is now much easier, as we've added all Contact fields to the filter parameters. Now, you can quickly prioritize records with giving history over those with no giving, or any other metrics you might find useful. These same fields are also available when downloading duplicates, if you're into seeing EVERYTHING in one place.
- Not to be outdone, we've also added the ability to not only bulk merge duplicates, but bulk ignore potential duplicates. Who says ignoring can't be efficient?
- Some email split tests were getting a little stuck on the data collection and testing phase. Hey, we've all be there. But software shouldn't have psychological hangups, so we fixed this bug and it won't happen again.
- Dismissing a Thank You Call from the dashboard was causing some strange updates to appear in Contacts' Activity Feeds, showing that the Thank You Call date was updated to January 1921. As much fun as it would be to pretend that Virtuous is haunted by a Depression-era ghost, we decided to fix this bug instead.
- Gift Split queries and Gift custom fields were not getting along, so we sat them down and forced them to talk things out, and now they are getting along swimmingly.
- Some users may have gotten errors when trying to create new Campaigns. This is less than ideal, so we've made sure that creating Campaigns goes smoothly from now on.
And that's the list! Phew! As always, if you have any questions about these or other features, feel free to contact our team using the support widget in Virtuous, or drop us a line by email:
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