You might have some invitees to your Ticketed Event opting to pay via checks and/or cash payments for your ticketed events. So, how are they going to get an online ticket? Good question.
Here is what we suggest: Create registration codes that allow those who have paid via check or cash to register for a free ticket.
How do you do this?
Select the Events option in the navigation bar and create an event by selecting the Actions Button on the upper right hand side of the screen to begin the process.
When the Event is created and saved, click into the full Event record, then select the “Registrations” tab at the top of the screen.
Then, check out the left hand side of that screen. Click the blue plus sign in the box with the words Registration Codes.
From here, enter in your parameters and ensure you select “Free Registration” under Type. You have the option of entering in the email address of the person who sent in the cash or check payment. Or, if you do not have an email address, once you save the registration code, it will generate a link that you can send directly to that invitee for a one time use.
Please note: Each registration code only works one time. Once the link is accessed and used, it can not be used again. You will be able to see when a code has been used and who it was used by on the Registrations tab within the full Event record.
Also note, the registration code link will have a message at the bottom of the page that explains to the invitee that no payment is required. The ticket price will still show on the right hand side of the screen, but the person will not be prompted to pay.
Guests will also receive a confirmation once they are registered.
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