It's a Custom Collection Christmas!
Gather 'round! For as Christmas draws near, it's time you heard the tale of how Custom Collections Saved Christmas!
'Twas the week before year-end, and all through the year
Our giving forms had few fields, no friction to fear
The workflows were built to follow up with care
With emails and lead forms and thank you's to spare
The finance team were tired, they longed for their beds
While visions of annual statements danced in their heads
The ED in her office, and I in my seat
Had just started making donor calls on repeat
When out in the office there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my desk to see what was the matter.
To our Donor Care team I flew like a flash
(Though HR did tell me to stop being rash)
The forms on our site, on our new landing page
Had a new section that I'd wanted for over an age
For what to my wondering eyes did appear,
But a Custom Collection! And we all gave a cheer!
OK, that's enough poetry. (And apologies to Clement C. Moore!) But we are just so darn excited that this often-requested feature is finally here! Yes, Virginia, you can now include Custom Collections in Virtuous forms!
When creating or editing a Lead Form, Giving Form—heck, any type of form— you'll see the option to select a Contact or Individual Custom Collection and add it to your form.
Once you've added a Custom Collection, click to edit it and you can choose to include all of the Collection fields or select specific fields to display. When previewing your form, you'll see that Custom Collection fields are grouped together, making it easier for your supporters to move through your form.
Adding Custom Collections to forms is a great way to collect program data unique to your mission, or send out surveys to get to know your supporters.
That's right, there are more presents under this tree (hey, we have to keep the theme going)! Because if you are going to bring in this Custom Collection data from forms, you'll need to import it, which means you can now enter Custom Collection data in the Gift & Contact Import Tool! And not only can you process form bundles, you can also include Custom Collection data when manually entering data.
What a Christmas present!
Holidays With a Touch of Class(y)
That's right, this is a special one going out to all of you who use our native Classy Integration. We've rolled out an all-new version of our integration, with added flexibility for customizing your Campaign mapping, support for syncing event registrations, and more. This new version of our integration contains a whole host of features built specifically to address user feedback.
Already using our existing Classy integration? No worries! Your mapping will remain intact, and you can opt in to using our new mapping at any time from the Virtuous Connect page.
Not using our Classy integration? Well, now's a great time to get started! You can learn more about the latest and greatest improvements to our Classy integration in this exceptionally classy support article.
...And The Rest
As with every release, this latest update also includes a number of other fixes, tweaks, minor modifications, and assorted nudges. Among this month's assorted fixes:
- If you are in the mood to go all Marie Kondo on your emails, you're in luck! Now, you can click on the Actions menu to the right of an Email to Archive that email. Because your email page should spark joy.
- For a whole host of very complicated technical reasons (I've been assured this is the case, and the answers is not "gremlins") many users have reported an issue with being unable to query on the full text of some Contact Notes. (Sounds a little like gremlins.) You'll be happy to know that our crack team of developers have found the gremlins bug and eliminated the gremlins bug going forward.
- Our Ticketed Event sponsorships have included the ability to offer up to 10 tickets on a single sponsorship package. Which just isn't enough sometimes! So we've decided to go double or nothing—now, you can include up to 20 tickets with a single sponsorship. Because sometime less isn't more.
- We've also added a new Registration download to our Ticketed Events, with includes tickets, sponsorships, and add-ons, all in one place. Because you're asking your supporters to leave home, so why not your data too?
- You know the little icons we use to show whether a recurring gift is linked to Virtuous Giving, or to RaiseDonors? Well, they are so darn handy that we've added them to Reconciliation Reports too, which will be particularly useful for folks using Payments in multiple platforms.
- We've added statuses for Recurring Gifts in Virtuous Giving, making it easier to see when a recurring charge is Active, Retrying, Cancelled, or Paused. If only more things in life came with clear status updates.
- And speaking of Recurring Gifts, we've made a change to...well, making changes to a Recurring Gifts that is linked to Virtuous Giving. Now, if there are changes to upcoming expected payments, we will replace those payments, instead of adding new ones that need to be forgiven. Because fewer steps might be bad in tap dancing, but it's a good thing for software.
- Even wondered when something was last updated? If so, today is your lucky day! (If not, we're sorry, maybe skip that scratch-off ticket today.) We've Last Modified Date and Modified by as exportable fields for all objects in Virtuous.
And that's the list! Phew! As always, if you have any questions about these or other features, feel free to contact our team using the support widget in Virtuous, or drop us a line by emails
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